Adam Equipment Product Warranties: Now up to 5 years

Starting 1st January, 2023, we are increasing warranties on nearly all our scales and balances to up to five years.
Why? We trust the quality and durability of our products, and we want you to know that you can, too.
Product Warranties

About Warranties
Step-by-Step Warranty Claim Process
Warranty FAQs
What if the issue isn’t covered under the warranty and it’s still within the warranty period?
If Adam can fix the product, you will only need to pay for parts and a reduced price for labour. Our service technicians may also offer a trade-in option. The original product must be returned to Adam.
What if the issue isn’t covered under the warranty and it’s past the warranty period?
Adam will offer to fix the product and charge for parts and labour at standard rates. If the repair is too costly, Adam may instead offer to replace the product at a discounted price. The original product must be returned to Adam.
What types of issues aren’t covered under warranty?
• fair wear and tear
• willful damage
• negligence
• abnormal working conditions
• failure to follow the Seller's instructions (whether oral or in writing)
• misuse or alteration on repair of the Goods without the manufacturer's approval
When should I file a warranty claim?
We've found that many service problems can be resolved if the user performs some simple checks on the scale or balance in question. As a first step, please refer to the Technical Support page to help identify some basic problems and solutions.