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Mechanical Balances & Scales

Adam Equipment offers mechanical balances for applications requiring fast, easy weighing without electricity or battery power. Several kinds of mechanical balances are widely used through the world. The triple-beam balance is one of the most popular types, as it is simple to use and transport. It features a weighing pan and counter weights, and offers speedy calibration using the weights that frequently are provided with the balance. Triple-beam balances are commonly used in classroom settings to weigh powders and bulk ingredients.

Another type of mechanical weighing instrument is a health and fitness weighing scale. This balance requires a person to stand on a platform and slide several weights across a marked beam until the beams are level. These balances are generally found in physician's offices, school infirmaries, fitness centres, gyms, and health clubs.

Our Products

Mechanical Balances & Scales

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  1. TBB Triple Beam Balances

    Sturdy metal housing and a grade 304 stainless steel pan make TBB ideal for classrooms. Larger than most triple-beam balances, TBB features innovative tripod legs and integrated weigh-below hook for density and specific gravity determination.

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    Capacity : 2610g to 2610g

    Readability : 0.1g to 0.1g

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